Private lessons in Chinese

Velkommen til arabiskkurs hos Lingu!

Privattimer, eller "en til en" undervisning som det ofte kalles, er et kurs som skreddersys dine personlige behov og utfordringer. Kurset følger derfor ikke et forhåndsdefinert pensum. I stedet vil læreren din lage en individuell kursplan for deg, noe som gjør det mulig å nå målene dine raskere og enklere enn om du studerer på egen hånd eller sammen med andre i en gruppe.

Du bestemmer timeplanen selv - sammen med læreren din. En time er en skoletime på 45 minutter. En vanlig undervisningsøkt er 2 skoletimer, altså 90 minutter. En kartleggingstime er 45 minutter.

Du kan velge mellom følgende emner:

  • Kinesiske skrifttegn
  • Muntlig og dagligdags kinesisk
  • Grunnleggende grammatikk
  • Uttaletrening
  • Bygge vokabular
  • Andre emner du har lyst til å lære mer om.

Er du ny student hos Lingu?

Er du ny student hos oss, anbefaler vi at du starter med en kartleggingstime. Dette er en 45-minutters økt sammen med din personlige språklærer i forkant av kursstart, slik at dere kan skape en god plan for kurset. Læreren din vil i løpet av kartleggingstimen vurdere deg, din bakgrunn og dine interesser, og dere vil etablere mål for kurset. Deretter vil du få en porfesjonell anbefaling om hvordan du kan oppnå målet ditt og hva vi kan hjelpe deg med. Du vil deretter kunne bestille et kursopplegg som passer dine behov best mulig.

Slik bestiller du privatundervisning i kinesisk

  • Velg et alternativ under, og fyll ut informasjonen din, bestill og betal kurset.
  • Læreren vil bli informert og vil kontakte deg for å avtale tidspunktet for kartleggingstimen eller første time.

Preguntas frecuentes

  • Not at all. Private classes will be completely personalized according to your needs and requirements. This means that you can discuss the times and duration of lessons, and any variation in these, with your teacher, and choose what suits you best. 

    The times can also vary from one week to another. It all depends on what suits you best and what you agree on with your teacher. 

  • The teaching methods for your private lessons with us will be chosen to match your exact needs and learning style. They will be fitted to your requirements and decided on with you and your teacher during the initial assessment lesson.

    We will design the best learning plan to make sure you learn quickly and in the best way for your learning style. 
    You will also soon notice that private classes are very efficient, and you will make progress very fast.

  • Yes, you are very welcome to choose private lessons as a learning tool to prepare for the official language exams of any kind. We have very experienced teachers working with exam preparations every day. They will guide you throughout the exact areas which you would like to strengthen and will help you reach your goals.

    Private lessons are shaped to your exact learning needs, so exam preparation can be just one of them!

    You will be able to choose the exact aims for your learning path, and we will make sure to offer the best and fastest way for you to succeed. 

  • Yes. If you agree with your teacher to follow the officially approved learning program then after finishing your course of individual lessons, you will receive an official certificate stating the number of hours you have completed and the language level you have attained.

    Private classes are designed to meet your individual needs. If you decide that you would like to receive an official certificate, the course can be structured  so that you will be able to receive one. 

  • The course will start with an assessment lesson, during which the teacher will go through a needs analysis and make a course plan based on your needs and objectives.

    After that lesson, you will decide together when and how often you should and would like to have classes, and what would be the best time plan to reach your goal. This will be based on your learning style preferences and learning requirements. 

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